2013: Cheat-Youth, 3rd Edition

Spring 2013!!! For the third year, Liquid Adventures Kayak School is leading "The Youts" along the path of downriver racing! This means that aside from working on skills, strength and endurance, we want to show our paddlers the benefits of rigorous training while having a good time on the water

Yes, training sessions might be strenuous at times but the Youts are known for (almost) never complaining, taking on challenges, pushing against their own limits and never giving up!!  In other words, The Youts rock!!  
And to brag a little, it seems that the efforts of the past teams have paid off considering they placed very well in local races last year.  See it for yourself by following these links to last year's results:
Not bad eh? :)  Stay tuned to see if The Youts 2013 can do as well or better!!

The 2013 Team

The Youts come and go and unfortunately this year, we lost Thomas Esch, who left the DC area to go to college in Massachusetts.  We are trying not to hold a grudge against him for choosing Harvard over us. :)  In fact, we miss him very much but he remains with us in spirit. Once a Youts, always a Youts! 

This spring, we are also happy to welcome some "new blood" to the team.  Kira Ratcliff  is joining us and is taking on the challenges of the training like a champ'. And Justin Shockey, an already advanced paddler and no stranger to attainment or downriver workouts is already pushing his blue Dancer at top speed up and down the Potomac.  Welcome to both! 

The other teammates are now veterans of the Cheat training program: Ben Goldweber, George Boss, Liam Black, Taylor Ratcliff and Will Harris are back for some more gentle torture and we will make sure they are not disappointed. Welcome back to all! It is a pleasure to paddle with you again!


(More Pictures to come )


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